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returntothepit >> discuss >> Local Band Appreciation: the_network by the_reverend on Oct 4,2004 10:28pm
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   le Reporte - The Network [officially approved] [views 169098]


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:May 7,2005 9:08am - post by new+user
please ask these guys to contact me! Steve Austin today is the day...

and if you have an idea for something else email it
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June 10,2011 The Limelight Lounge (Haverhill, MA)
July 14,2010 Anchors Up (Haverhill, MA)
May 11,2010 Anchors Up (Haverhill, MA)
October 18,2009 Dover Brickhouse (Dover, NH)
October 14,2009 O'Briens Pub (Allston, MA)
July 26,2009 Anchors Up (Haverhill, MA)
April 07,2009 Anchors Up (Haverhill, MA)
January 16,2009 Anchors Up (Haverhill, MA)
November 11,2008 P.A.'s Lounge (Somerville, MA)
July 09,2008 the Wheelchair (Worcester, MA)
June 25,2008 Dover Brick House (Dover, NH)
March 02,2008 Waterfront Tavern (Holyoke, Ma)
December 07,2007 Legion #13 (Nashua, NH)
October 21,2007 Great Scott (Allston, MA)
October 09,2007 Welfare Records (Haverhill, MA)
June 19,2007 Sirens (Milford, NH)
May 03,2007 Fox Hall (Lowell, Ma)
May 02,2007 Dover Brick House (Dover, NH)
April 28,2007 Palladium - main stage (Worcester, Ma)
March 23,2007 Town Hall (Sandown, NH)
March 18,2007 Dover Brick House (Dover, NH)
February 25,2007 Dover Brick House (Dover, NH)
February 18,2007 Museum School (Boston, Ma)
January 27,2007 American Legion (Nashua, NH)
January 26,2007 Sahara Club (Portland, ME)
December 19,2006 Dover Brick House (Dover, NH)
December 02,2006 Milly's Tavern (Manchester, NH)
October 12,2006 Legion Hall #3 (Nashua, NH)
September 20,2006 Dover Brick House (Dover, NH)
June 11,2006 Legion Hall #3 (Nashua, NH)
October 02,2005 Dover Brick House (Dover, NH)
August 17,2005 Dover Brick House (Dover, NH)
May 10,2005 the Living Room (Providence, RI)
December 10,2004 Exit 23 (Haverhill, Ma)
October 27,2004 Dover Brick House (Dover, NH)
October 20,2004 Aviary (Dover, NH)
October 06,2004 Muddy River Smokehouse (Portsmouth, NH)
June 30,2004 Muddy River Smokehouse (Portsmouth, NH)
May 14,2004 the Dirty Basement (Dover, NH)
April 04,2004 The Rochambeau Club (Biddeford, Maine)
March 21,2004 Sick-as-Sin fest main stage (Lowell, Ma)
March 19,2004 Club Fuel (Lowell, MA)
February 27,2004 Exit 23 (Haverhill, Ma)
January 30,2004 Route 108 House (Dover, NH)
January 11,2004 the Bombshelter (Manchester, NH)
November 09,2003 Middle East (Cambridge, Ma)
June 11,2003 P.A.L. (Fall River, Ma)
May 14,2003 P.A.L. (Fall River, Ma)
April 22,2003 WUNH studios (Durham, NH)
April 19,2003 the Bombshelter (Manchester, NH)
Show Reviews: +
toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Oct 4,2004 10:28pm edited Oct 5,2004 12:10am
yeah! the_network. no, not the new band by billy joe from green day. Out of the late 90's new hampshire bands of Ookla the mok* and the Fault** in the backwoods of New Hampshire's south, comes the newest super group, the_network. members of the fault (kevin, tim, and scott) got sick of being in that band (in the end they were just trying to make up crazy stuff to play)

and ookla the mok was over. when they wanted to make a new band up, they pulled in pete (ex-ookla the mok) in with them.

the last member being nate (ex-halo suffocation machine***/As I bleed).

add samples, brian, and there is the inception of the_network!

so fast forward to 2002 when everyone is talking about this band that no one has heard of an how their show randomly at the lawrence knigs of columbus.

I missed that show, but from what I gather, the ground openned up and an out-swelling of angels and demons covered the crowd in a euphoric spray of whiskey and morphine after having covered their bodies in gapping slash marks. Kids lost thier minds.

for the next almost year, the_network remained an enigmatic mystery, retreating back to the woods of new hampshire and not playing any shows.
finally, April 19, 2003, I got a chance to see them at the bombshelter,

mixing spazzy hardcore, noise, and berzerker-esque drum beats they terrorized the crowd.

watching them is to sit there, fearing for your life while being dumb-founded. like sitting and staring at a nuclear bomb going off.

needless to say, pete was crawling all over the pipes on the ceiling. During shows, I always try to keep one eye on him so that I don't get a errant mic-stand wrapped around my head.

3 days later, they made a debut on RTTP with a live set.

yeah, the back up vocals weren't loud enough miced up.. but whatever.

a few months after that, the sampler player left. this sort of left a void in their sound.

at first they were looking for a replacement, but decided to stop looking and just continue on.
they placed a few things into the mix, samples off a cd and then new padels!

honestly, you don't notice it on the new tracks.
their most recent tracks are leaning more towards sound like burn the priest.

currently, they keep recording tracks (exit 23) and are looking for a label to sign them and make them all rock stars.

if you have a label, sign them and save them from Dover, NH.

* ookla ended in 1998 adam (singer) went on to sing for cannae (prosthetic records). max (singer) went on to the insane shaniqua and the skull fuckers.
** the fault ended in 1998
*** HSM's last show was nov 3rd 2001

toggletoggle post by RustedAngel at Oct 4,2004 10:36pm
fault / ookla shows were pretty awesome around that time and when the scene was a lot cooler than it is now.

fault's singer did backflips off stage and hurt himself a couple of times. I'll always remember the halloween show ookla played at safe n sound.

toggletoggle post by anonymous at Oct 5,2004 9:26am
Now lets all go check them out tommorow night in Portsmouth nh at the muddy river smoke house with Backfuckingstabbers inc wensday oct 6th starts @ 6:30 $8 all ages

toggletoggle post by Lincoln at Oct 5,2004 9:36am
Dude we played with those guys at O''s a wonder that O'Briens didn't crash to the ground that night. Those guys are excellent...awesome show!!!!

toggletoggle post by succubus  at Oct 5,2004 10:09am
i love the_network!

i thought i replied when aaron linked me to this last night after he posted it...but i dunno what happened


there are playing tomorrow at the Muddy River Smokehouse you should all go!!


toggletoggle post by blue  at Oct 5,2004 2:11pm
from what ive heard, they might not be searching for a label anymore...

toggletoggle post by phantos   at Oct 7,2004 2:40am

Love these guys.

toggletoggle post by humanbonedeathmachine at Oct 26,2004 10:38pm
i was very impressed with their set at the aviary fuuuuckin a

toggletoggle post by flyingpoopdestroyer  at Oct 27,2004 10:52am
they play the dover brickhouse tonight. I'll be there. of course, I work there, but I would have been there anyhow.

toggletoggle post by RustedAngel at Oct 27,2004 10:56am
I'll probably be there I'm kinda tired from last night...

toggletoggle post by BillyfromNH  at Apr 26,2012 8:05pm
HOLY SHIT! Proud to say I tried out for bass, came to like 3 practices, but it would have been a lot of driving. These guys have been absolutely my inspiration to stay original, and get ridiculous live! So intense! Good ol' days

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