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returntothepit >> discuss >> Local Band Appreciation: Clitorture (rip) by the_reverend on Jul 12,2005 12:10pm
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   le Reporte - Clitorture [officially approved] [views 103706]


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Nov 15, 2004 10

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disassembling the human form - pathos - 2006-04
Other possibily CDs
- - 2007-11-03
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Picture Comments:
:Oct 24,2005 3:48pm - post by justmustache
I have pacman's autograph and I still love clitoture

and if you have an idea for something else email it
Pictures 524 pictures available -
August 05,2006 Valentine's (Albany, NY)
June 17,2005 Dee Dee's Lounge (Quincy, Ma)
February 11,2005 AS220 (Providence, RI)
November 15,2004 WUNH studios (Durham, NH)
August 20,2004 the Chopping Block (Boston, Ma)
June 05,2004 Northern Lights (Clifton Park, NY)
May 05,2004 New Age Cabaret (Albany, NY)
February 13,2004 Valentine's (Albany, NY)
Show Reviews: +
toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jul 12,2005 12:10pm
awe damn... another band that has come and gone through the annals of the new england loud rock scene.
It seems like only yesterday when I first saw them in albany, playing the goratory CD release party. that date was feb. 13 2004.

by that point, clitorture had been together in it's current form for a while.

they started back in 2000 with ryan and dusty (ex. traumaside).

things really started to cook when they added crow to the line-up on vocals.

since then, they've been playing shows all over NY/CT/MA/RI. I know that whenever they came to mass, they got a great response from the crowd.

They even split a set on RTTP in Nov 2004 with mucopus.

With only the three members to write with, their music should be simple enough, but there we no gaps anywhere. Ryan filled their

sound with his one guitar. Also, dustin had his bass-boom to accentuate his kit.

I'm actually glad that I'm not a drummer with one of those things cause I would drop the bass over and over.

if you check out the clitorture website, it might get your hopes up:
"...expect to hear more from clitorture as plans are currently in the works for a tour in late spring 2005."
unfortunately, with 1 full length release and a split with mucopus about to come out, that "more" was then breaking up. dusty is

moving on and ryan/crow aren't going to continue with out him. sad news, but you can always listen to the MP3s on this site to cure your blues.

they played their last New England show on 6/17/2005

ending in a blaze of horns.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jul 12,2005 12:14pm
looks like I broke the bands page when you post in this.. I'll fix that later tonight, I guess.

toggletoggle post by blue  at Jul 12,2005 11:58pm
rest in peace.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jul 13,2005 2:00am
there, fixed.

toggletoggle post by Robdeadskin  at Jul 13,2005 8:58am

toggletoggle post by crowtorture at Jul 13,2005 5:26pm
good times, i'm truly touched Rev.

take it easy.

toggletoggle post by DomesticTerror at Jul 13,2005 5:31pm
reunion, like now.

toggletoggle post by Scoracrasia   at Jul 13,2005 5:42pm
You guys are gay for breaking up. One of the few bands I have got into the last few years. You suck Crow!!!

toggletoggle post by mOe_RK_in jersey at Jul 13,2005 8:33pm

toggletoggle post by PROWORLD at Sep 8,2006 1:16pm

toggletoggle post by dertoxia   at Sep 8,2006 2:56pm
ooooo but they're back now!

toggletoggle post by AUTOPSY_666   at Sep 8,2006 3:36pm

toggletoggle post by BESSPOWER at Jun 8,2010 2:49pm
the singer has horrible facial hair style. GE A CLUE! gross out

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