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returntothepit >> discuss >> Local band Appreciation - Invocation of Nehek by the_reverend on Oct 24,2003 9:47am
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   le Reporte - Invocation Of Nehek [officially approved] [views 109878]


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Start Date:unknown
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Localband Appreciation

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Feb 16, 2004 4
Aug 6, 2002 7

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Discography -
Live at WUNH - wunh studios - 2002-08-06
2003 Demo II - SELF - 2003
- - 2004-03-01
- - 2004-10-07
Other possibily CDs
Live at WUNH - wunh studios - 2002-08-06
- - 2004-10-07
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Picture Comments:
:May 4,2005 11:57am - post by doug_e
ion is absolutely awesome and "my gift to liars" is an amazing song. prolly the best one on the cd. all though they are all good tracks

and if you have an idea for something else email it
Pictures 1164 pictures available -
June 10,2006 Sons of Italy (Torrington, CT)
April 06,2006 Masonic Temple (Melrose, Ma)
April 22,2005 the Palladium - second stage (Worcester, Ma)
February 06,2005 Cabot st. (Chicopee, Ma)
November 24,2004 the Palladium (Worcester, Ma)
October 29,2004 the Bombshelter (Manchester, NH)
September 26,2004 Fat Cat's (Springfield, Ma)
August 21,2004 St. Mary's Gym (Clinton, Ma)
April 21,2004 St. Margret Church (Waterbury, CT)
February 27,2004 Exit 23 (Haverhill, Ma)
February 16,2004 WUNH studios (Durham, NH)
October 19,2003 the Met Cafe (Providence, RI)
October 10,2003 Exit 23 (Haverhill, Ma)
May 30,2003 Oddfellas (Stratford, CT)
May 10,2003 the Pogo Club (Norwich, CT)
August 06,2002 WUNH studios (Durham, NH)
May 10,2002 Skips Basement (Newington, CT)
Show Reviews: +
toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Oct 24,2003 9:47am
CT's very own INVOCATION OF NEHEK pronounced 'NEE-HEK' or 'NEE-YEK'
over the years, they have gone through minor line-up changes. Usually, that scares me cause I think a band might die during line-up changes, but have recently settled into a stable line up and have gotten a really good line up, recording some of the best sounding death-metal-core to come from new england. Granted, it's hard to classify their sound, sometimes it sounds like the Haunted, but then they break into CT-metal-core bridges, slowed down parts that sound acustic and nice, reminicent of Seven Cay Curse and bleed it to agressive deathmetal and then back in the same breath. Though not as technical or as (sometimes) atmospheric as Opeth, they seem to have a similar structure to their music, but leaning towards the metal-core side. this allows all the kids waiting for "breakdowns breakdowns breakdowns" to have to sit back and enjoy the music instead of just doing karate kids moves.
Their newest stuff was recorded by Ken ('that' guitar player from Unearth)

in their history, I've not relly seen their name on many shows and very rarely got to check them out live (until the passed few months). Hopefully, they will get one more shows cause they are awesome live. I know I saw one of their first shows (if not the actual first) with the new singer and they were all really stiff.. and then the first with their new bassplayer, but tey've loosened up a lot which maes their show that much more amazing.

from their site on the name:
Ok, so we are well aware that our name isn't conventional, and the last word can be hard to pronounce. So considering these two things, we decided to give anyone who cares a band name origin.
Invocation Of Nehek means to raise the dead and use them as an army. or more simply put to just to raise the dead.
Invocation meaning to summon
Nehek meaning the dead
Guitarist Robb Cyr came up with the name, and it was agreed that it sounded different, it wasn't cliché and given the right amount of opportunity, it was actually pretty catchy.

toggletoggle post by RustedAngel at Oct 24,2003 9:51am edited Oct 24,2003 9:52am

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Oct 24,2003 2:32pm
no love for ION? APPLESOUCE! I guess I'm going to have to post some ION pictures.
check these heart throbs out:

and like totally old school to the max:

toggletoggle post by ct sucks at Oct 25,2003 4:06pm
move to mass

toggletoggle post by robsheol at Oct 26,2003 11:41pm
Rev, thank you for the kind words. We all really appreciate it. It means alot to be respected for doing what we love. This band is the reason that I am still in CT. at all. This band has made me happier than anything in my life, musically, and it feels good to have someone notice the work and emotion we put into what we do. Thank you Aaron.

toggletoggle post by RustedAngel at Oct 27,2003 12:12am

move to MASS, NH, or even MAINE!

we will mosh for you!

toggletoggle post by RustedAngel at Oct 27,2003 2:55pm
has it been a week yet?

toggletoggle post by robsheol at Oct 27,2003 9:46pm
if you feed us, give us somewhere to live, get us jobs and pay for school for the kids that go to school.....then hey, im down for long as i can bring my girlfriend.

toggletoggle post by RustedAngel at Oct 27,2003 9:58pm
as long as she keeps downing twizzlers.

toggletoggle post by robsheol at Oct 27,2003 10:05pm
do you really think that will be a problem???? come on, lets get serious here....

toggletoggle post by xboobiesx   at Oct 28,2003 8:06am
the_reverend said:

check these heart throbs out:

you know it...

and i had 3 of em passed out in my living room.


toggletoggle post by thegreatspaldino   at Oct 28,2003 8:15am

thats such a nice bass

toggletoggle post by succubus  at Oct 28,2003 8:25am
yeah it is..and i think he likes it too..they are getting pretty close here:

toggletoggle post by DeOdiumMortis  at Nov 1,2003 6:16pm
I appreciate Invocation of Nehek.

toggletoggle post by RustedAngel at Nov 1,2003 6:46pm
me 2.

toggletoggle post by robsheol at Nov 1,2003 10:27pm
And I love you guys for it.

toggletoggle post by George   at Nov 1,2003 10:42pm
i just downloaded some of this band's mp3s. im am really impressed. good stuff.

toggletoggle post by Tom Nehek at Nov 4,2003 1:17pm
I appreciate me too. 3====D

toggletoggle post by RustedAngel at Nov 4,2003 1:28pm
i appreciate tom's lips.

toggletoggle post by frank  at Nov 15,2003 4:24pm
emo fags die

regarding the name of ION.. look what a little knowledge of the necronomicon can do fo ya. super duper....
CT sux

toggletoggle post by dan at Nov 15,2003 6:27pm
is that stabmaster frank? sheesh...

anyways, ION is nasty likey

toggletoggle post by robsheol at Nov 18,2003 7:16pm
frank said:
emo fags die

regarding the name of ION.. look what a little knowledge of the necronomicon can do fo ya. super duper....
CT sux

well thanks for the kind words.....we are more emo than Dashboard, without a doubt. I have been known to cry on stage, just so you know. And having knowledge of the Necronomicon would be cool, but as far as that having anything to do with the name..... thats not where its from. So obviously, YOU have no knowledge of it!!! Wanna make out???

toggletoggle post by frank  at Nov 20,2003 6:19pm
too silly man. dissapointing..

toggletoggle post by pseudozoophila at Jan 21,2004 8:28am
i wish i could get rob to email me dammit i can't get in touch with him and we used to make such sweet love together

toggletoggle post by pseudozoophilia at Jan 21,2004 8:35am

toggletoggle post by RustedAngel at Jan 21,2004 9:26am
i got word that ION broke up, or is on a break, or is just being gay for teh moment...

HOPEFULLY it's temporary!

toggletoggle post by George   at Jan 21,2004 11:47am
i only started listening to that band beceause of this thread
i dont like metalcore, at all. but ION is awesome. they need to play in mass so i can see them, better yet they need to play with my band.

toggletoggle post by RustedAngel at Jan 21,2004 11:49am
they played in haverhill a few months back.

toggletoggle post by DeOdiumMortis  at Jan 21,2004 12:57pm
They also played Rev's birthday show back in October. You know, the one no one went to. That one.

toggletoggle post by xmuchmorex at Jan 21,2004 2:05pm
ion rules.....duh. my gift ot liars is a very well writen song.

toggletoggle post by succubus  at Jan 21,2004 2:11pm
DeOdiumMortis said:
They also played Rev's birthday show back in October. You know, the one no one went to. That one.

well i tried

and thanks again to everyone that showed

and DOM for helping me <3

mmm cake!

toggletoggle post by DeOdiumMortis  at Jan 21,2004 2:25pm
That's still a gross pic. Silly drummer...

toggletoggle post by TheGreatSpaldino   at Jan 21,2004 2:36pm
it looks like he is going super native american. POW WOW THUNDER SCALP ATTACK!

toggletoggle post by RustedAngel at Feb 3,2004 10:59am edited Feb 3,2004 11:00am


toggletoggle post by v1olenc3   at Feb 3,2004 11:14am
hahaha tom is serious about that too, ANAL FUCKIN BEADS! 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0

Well i just received word that there are rumors that we disbanded. so to set the record straight, i'm writing to say that we have not disbanded, and are still working on getting things rolling.

We have taken a bit of a break over the past couple of months to write new material, and work out some gear issues. but now we are back on track.

Our next Mass Show is Feb 27th at exit 23 in Haverhill with our friends The Auburn System, Umbrella and Deadwater Drowning

We are also doing an in studio performance on RTTP radio again with The Auburn System, I think it's RTTP first double header??? that will be on FEB 16th, we will have a new song ready for that!

also we are on, the entire 3 song demo is up their with a mastered version of "My Gift To Liars"

you can check that out here:

We are looking to fill march with as many mass dates as possible, so if anyone wants to be nice and hook us up with either a show, or people they know that book shows in Mass, that would be most apprectiated, i'd try my hardest to hook you up with what ever i can, cd's, shirts, or whatever else we end up making.

but yeah thats whats been going on with us. thanks to all the people that said some kind words about us, that certainly was a nice surprise, and it means alot to us.

Hopefully i see some of you guys on the 27th.

take care.

toggletoggle post by stumbling55  at Dec 10,2004 4:34am
um, you guys rock... and hopalong, ur hot *wink*

toggletoggle post by xjoshuax at Dec 11,2004 3:59pm
appreciation for good ct bands.

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