Youtube footage of Tony Foresta (Municipal Waste) killed by GWAR in savage on stage assault!
Tony Foresta of "Kings of nuclear party thrash" (-Kerrang!) band MUNICIPAL WASTE was brutally hacked to pieces in a (fake) killing by GWAR members whilst on tour in Milwaukee on Halloween.
Municipal Waste gets WASTED at the hands of GWAR. Filmed at the RAVE in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on Halloween 2006 can be seen here.
Also witness Ryan "the Handyman" on guitar, LandPhil as King Diamond and Dave Witte as the Marshmallow man from Ghostbusters. It's a chilling sight.
Experience similar horror on these dates.
Ryan has Handyman was fucking awesome, I don't know how many people nowadays get that reference. That was awesome that they did some shit on Halloween. They were awesome at Rock 'n Shock, and can't wait to see them in Feburary with Destruction.