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returntothepit >> discuss >> Local band Appreciation - Deadwater Drowning by the_reverend on Nov 4,2003 11:37am
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   le Reporte - Deadwater Drowning [officially approved] [views 90071]


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Pictures 545 pictures available -
May 07,2005 Danville Fire Association Hall (Danville, Ma)
March 06,2004 Highschool (Farmington, NH)
February 06,2004 Legion Hall #3 (Nashua, NH)
August 08,2003 P.A.L. (Fall River, Ma)
June 20,2003 DAV (Malden, Ma)
June 17,2003 WUNH studios (Durham, NH)
April 05,2003 VFW (Reading, Ma)
March 01,2003 Bitter End Fest day 2 - Civic League (Framingham, MA)
January 04,2003 Elks Lodge 53 (Salem, Ma)
December 06,2002 Knights of Columbus (Lawrence, Ma)
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toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Nov 4,2003 11:37am
back in late 2001/early 2002, the band named chagrin collapsed and out of it was spawned Deadwater Drowning.

DwD was a grind-core/metal-core band from the start (see: the red chord, bodies in the gears..., etc) which is much better than chagrin (the only chagrin songs I hear sounded like nu-metal).

being from NH, they didn't really have many places to play, but they impressed guy (the red chord singer) who put them on a bunch of shows

and released their cd on his newly formed label.

in the summer of 2003, they got on the POW,TRC, and BDM tour.
however, when they got back from that, they began looking for a 2nd guitar player.
but then, in august, they lost their only guitar player and are currently (as far as I know) looking for a replacement. << if you are interested.
they also did an awesome in studio on rttp
check out the mp3s.

toggletoggle post by dan at Nov 4,2003 12:04pm
they have a guitar one replacement, i believe his name is steve whalen and hes from brookline...these guys fuckin make me wet

toggletoggle post by NateDeadwater   at Nov 17,2003 11:44pm
yeah i did see this.. greatly appreciated, seriously... its always reassuring to have someone around such as yourself who actually does do something for the local "scene" rather than bitch..keep it up, we heart you

toggletoggle post by Wee...Bink!  at Nov 18,2003 12:43pm
NateDeadwater said:
yeah i did see this.. greatly appreciated, seriously... its always reassuring to have someone around such as yourself who actually does do something for the local "scene" rather than bitch..keep it up, we heart you

You are the fuckin man. I have met you on a couple occasions and you have been nothing but nice (Im that kid that came to your work to buy your cd).

And as for Chagrin being Nu-Metal... i disagree Stargazer is still good to me a few years later.

toggletoggle post by grind grind grind at Jan 9,2004 10:38am
YAH! They are doing shows again.
Let's go tigers!

toggletoggle post by Stainless at Jan 9,2004 12:38pm
I can't wait Hear the new shit live these guys fucking rock

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jan 9,2004 1:05pm
totally, like the 12 minute "epic" song they were playing.
oh wait, you were at that show too.

toggletoggle post by Stainless at Jan 9,2004 1:12pm
slap the ass and ride the wave in..

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