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returntothepit >> discuss >> Local band Appreciation - Since The Flood by the_reverend on Oct 29,2003 8:36am
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   le Reporte - Since The Flood [officially approved] [views 170741]


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Start Date:unknown
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Localband Appreciation

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Discography -
Live at WUNH - wunh studios - 2003-02-25
valor and vengeance - . - 2005
Other possibily CDs
demo '02 - indepedent - 0000-00-00
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Pictures 3745 pictures available -
September 21,2024 Century Media Stage - the Palladium (Worcester, MA)
January 20,2018 Middle East (Cambridge, MA)
January 31,2009 the Palladium (Worcester, MA)
April 27,2008 the Palladium - Secondstage (Worcester, MA)
March 16,2008 Welfare Records (Haverhill, MA)
February 29,2008 the Palladium (Worcester, MA)
January 27,2008 Waterfront Tavern (Holyoke, Ma)
April 28,2007 Palladium - main stage (Worcester, Ma)
March 04,2007 American Legion (Nashua, NH)
February 21,2007 Roxy Underground (Boston. Ma)
September 03,2006 Club Lido (Revere, Ma)
June 08,2006 the Palladium (Worcester, Ma)
April 29,2006 the Palladium - mainstage (Worcester, Ma)
January 08,2006 Legion Hall #3 (Nashua, NH)
December 08,2005 Club Lido (Revere, Ma)
September 04,2005 Tiger's Den (Brockton, Ma)
April 22,2005 the Palladium - main stage (Worcester, Ma)
January 14,2005 Roman's (Brockton, Ma)
January 11,2005 Muddy River Smokehouse (Portsmouth, NH)
November 24,2004 the Palladium (Worcester, Ma)
September 24,2004 the Palladium (Worcester, Ma)
August 26,2004 the Industry (Portland, Me)
June 03,2004 the Living Room (Providence, RI)
May 01,2004 the Palladium - first stage (Worcester, MA)
March 18,2004 Club Marque (Worcester, MA)
March 06,2004 Highschool (Farmington, NH)
December 31,2003 Club Therapy (Olnyville, RI)
December 21,2003 Fat Cat's (Springfield, MA)
December 20,2003 The Rochambeau Club (Biddeford, Maine)
November 12,2003 the Bombshelter (Manchester, NH)
October 05,2003 the Bombshelter (Manchester, NH)
July 02,2003 American Legion (South Paris, Me)
May 23,2003 Elk's Lodge (York, Me)
April 05,2003 VFW (Reading, Ma)
March 08,2003 Trance Buddha (Shrewsbury, Ma)
March 01,2003 Bitter End Fest day 2 - Civic League (Framingham, MA)
February 25,2003 WUNH studios (Durham, NH)
January 09,2003 Sugar Shack (Lowell, Ma)
January 04,2003 Elks Lodge 53 (Salem, Ma)
November 23,2002 Spudnick's (Salem, Ma)
June 28,2002 Knights of Columbus (Lawrence, Ma)
Show Reviews: +
toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Oct 29,2003 8:36am
Starting back in early 2002, STF featured ex-members of eyes likes autumn and chagrin. They started playing shows with friends bands

getting their collective foot in the door.
they were instantly successful in the mosh-crazy kids of northern mass/southern nh.

since then the old line up

was replace with ex-killing beverly members (and they had a 100% de-dredding)

To date, they've released 2 3-song demos and had one live performance on RTTP. The recording of their 2nd 3-song demo was done but ken (from unearth) in his new studio. From all accounts, it came out awesome (though I haven't heard it yet). they impressed him and got the oppurtunity for some killer shows because of it.
STF is now playing shows with tons of regional hardcore bands (with honor, byd, etc...) and is slated for a November release of their first full length on Icon Clad Recordings which I believe was also recorded by ken.

toggletoggle post by RustedAngel at Oct 29,2003 8:39am

toggletoggle post by succubus  at Oct 29,2003 8:42am
another great band the Rev introduced me too.

I really love reading these. You get a brief history on the band and's as if these should be included on the band's bio page. Also goes to show just how much the Rev knows about them.

toggletoggle post by phantos   at Oct 29,2003 11:16am
yeah, rev, these little bios you keep doing are cool.
you should add each bands website(if they have one) as well so interested folks can easily continue learning about each unit.
(although most un-lazy folks can google them up. ha.)

toggletoggle post by phantos   at Oct 29,2003 11:17am
does rusteddood like anything beside himself? meh...

toggletoggle post by phantos   at Oct 29,2003 11:19am

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Oct 29,2003 11:56am
STF gets a thumbs up from me. great band, good dooods.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Oct 29,2003 11:59am

toggletoggle post by joe/notcommon   at Oct 29,2003 12:45pm
phantos said:
does rusteddood like anything beside himself? meh...

he likes really lame bands

toggletoggle post by tyagxgrind   at Oct 29,2003 3:19pm
xmikex said:
STF gets a thumbs up from me. great band, good dooods.

i agree. their new cd should be awesome.

toggletoggle post by DeOdiumMortis  at Nov 1,2003 6:15pm
I appreciate Since the Flood.

toggletoggle post by luke not logged on at Nov 5,2003 4:50pm
i just noticed...
the new website is
the old one is really outdated

toggletoggle post by blob at Nov 28,2004 7:56pm
most heart i have ever seen in 1 band!

toggletoggle post by attendmyrequiem at Nov 28,2004 10:14pm
luke is a really chill mothafuckah

toggletoggle post by anonymous at Aug 9,2006 2:00pm
too bad everytime i go to see them a bunch of kids gang up on some poor little punk in the pit and beat the shit out of him. you can get you fuckin dance on in the pit w/out going tough guy crazy and proving your coolness. good hardcore band, but their fans should concentrate more on the music and less on how many fistfights they can get into during the five song set...i guess these guys got the torched passed to them from diecast as the band you dont go see unless you have 30 or 40 of your closest friends w/ you.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Aug 9,2006 2:06pm
dear anonymous,
30 or 40 dudes are on their way to your IP address.
thank you

toggletoggle post by Y_Ddraig_Goch  at Aug 10,2006 3:29am
I worked with the brother of the singer, the kid was a total nut, he crapped in the urinal at work from what I hear.

toggletoggle post by soloman   at Aug 10,2006 9:17am
good band.

toggletoggle post by swinesack at Aug 10,2006 9:41am
soloman said:
good band.

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