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returntothepit >> discuss >> Local Band Appreciation: In Dire Need (xripx) by the_reverend on Jun 16,2004 12:44pm
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   le Reporte - In Dire Need [officially approved] [views 147589]


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Localband Appreciation

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Ryan (Guitar)
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Dec 22, 2003 5
Sep 21, 2002 6

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- - 2012-07-30
In Dire Need - Self Released - 2007-05-23
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Pictures 2318 pictures available -
January 09,2010 Tewksbury United Methodist Church (Tewksbury, MA)
July 06,2007 the Palladium (Worcester, Ma)
May 30,2007 QVCC (Worcester, Ma)
May 13,2007 Cambridge Elk's (Cambridge, MA)
March 15,2007 Rusty G's Place (Lowell, Ma)
January 12,2007 Sons of Italy (Torrington, CT)
July 30,2006 Masonic Hall (Billerica, Ma)
May 12,2006 Tiger's Den (Brockton, Ma)
April 23,2006 Cabot st. (Chicopee, Ma)
April 07,2006 Wilmington United Methodist Church (Wilmington, MA)
April 01,2006 QVCC (Worcester, MA)
February 03,2006 United Methodist Church (Woburn, Ma)
January 31,2006 Ashland Fish and Game Club (Ashland, Ma)
January 29,2006 Cabot st. (Chicopee, Ma)
July 22,2004 the Living Room (Providence, RI)
May 08,2004 Club Therapy (Olnyville, RI)
March 21,2004 Sick-as-Sin fest main stage (Lowell, Ma)
March 14,2004 Fat Cat's (Springfield, MA)
February 08,2004 Fat Cat's (Springfield, MA)
January 01,2004 Middle East (Cambridge, MA)
December 31,2003 Club Therapy (Olnyville, RI)
December 22,2003 WUNH studios (Durham, NH)
November 25,2003 Bridgewater State (Bridgewater, Ma)
October 24,2003 the Living Room (Providence, RI)
August 08,2003 P.A.L. (Fall River, Ma)
May 14,2003 P.A.L. (Fall River, Ma)
April 10,2003 the Living Room (Providence, RI)
March 01,2003 Bitter End Fest day 2 - Civic League (Framingham, MA)
February 08,2003 Elks Lodge 53 (Salem, Ma)
February 01,2003 Civic League (Framingham, MA)
January 04,2003 Elks Lodge 53 (Salem, Ma)
September 21,2002 Return to the Pit 6 year concert - Stratford Rm (Durham, NH)
June 28,2002 Knights of Columbus (Lawrence, Ma)
March 23,2002 Exit 23 (Haverhill, Ma)
March 16,2002 American Legion (Taunton, MA)
Show Reviews: +
toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jun 16,2004 12:44pm
my first one of these in 2 months. mostly cause I wrote this out and then lost it.

why does it seem like a ton of the bands I feature here came from that one damn show in taunton mass?

ah... the chariots of fire fest in tauton mass.. what would it have been like if I went both days? who would know. anyhow, I got to see a band called in dire need that really impressed me. The only band I know they come from is vengeance in blood (the other membered moved to ascendancy)

the range of the singer's voice, the brutal guitars, and break downs that made kids flip out. it all came together so nicely. The best part was the live show, guitars/bass swinging around, the singer rolling around on the floor.

they even came up and played a free show at UNH. this was the 6th aniversary of the return to the pit radio show show. Definitely a lot of people came out to this show to see them.

one thing that was awesome was the fact that you could sometimes catch them with all 3 guitar players. when they did, the sound was just immense.

though, some venues would loose everything that was going on if they were too echoy (case in point, the living room see above)
with some line-up changes, they continued on until their "last show" on august 8th 2003.

last show

the "last show" august is now infamous for the TAFC break up of that little event where fans in the crowd tossed a whole lot of fish and various satanic animal bits all over the PAL. They just finally finished mastering their demo tracks just before this show. the CD was available for $3, but the band had moved way passed those 3 songs by that time anyhow.

their reunion show with a new face, but only 2 guitar players. just over 2 months later and they are back (though their rossrosscity levels were near empty)

I think they also had samples too. this new idn kept on the stage for basically the whole set.

another thing is they came in on the christmas RTTP radio show. dressing in the yule time gear too.

listen to the mp3s:

a minor note, they played the sick-as-sin fest

that's their last new guitar player.

at the end of the IDN story is a band that for 5 months played to get as tight as possibly. for those of you that got to see them transform, it was pretty cool. at the end, they sonded sickly tight and were getting on many larger shows at fat cat's and in providence. definitely a maturing from the "hit people with bass" idn from years ago.
their last show just might have been with vital remains. showing just how far they came.

I'm sure the end of IDN will bring about what ends always bring about, a new beginning. this time, all new bands.

if you want more information from feb 2002, you can check out their web site:
I hear they are playing with hamartia...

toggletoggle post by tbone_r  at Jun 16,2004 2:06pm
i wanna see the video from that show in amherst where kids were smashing ceiling tiles w/ chairs.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jun 16,2004 2:34pm
I went to vcd it, but aaron gave me a blank tape.

toggletoggle post by succubus  at Jun 16,2004 2:49pm
surprise! =)

toggletoggle post by arsonick   at Jun 16,2004 3:57pm
my friend taped that show and i sent out copies to IDN. they should have it, i think.

toggletoggle post by moran   at Jun 16,2004 4:08pm
Thats weird. I Know two people from the band, yet I have never heard them, or knew they were in it.

toggletoggle post by todayistheday at Jun 16,2004 5:46pm
they need to have one last show

toggletoggle post by iamwiggins   at Jun 16,2004 7:49pm
yeah just one more

somewhere really in mass, not RI or some shit

toggletoggle post by attendmyrequiem at Jun 16,2004 9:22pm
todayistheday said:
they need to have one last show

they already had it last year.

toggletoggle post by nick   at Jun 16,2004 9:47pm
great people, great band, amazing live show. im pretty sure at thier 'last show' the demos went for 6 or 4$.

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Jun 16,2004 10:42pm
I saw more IDN shows than some kids who were in In dire Need.

their first and best show was at the Dalton club, not chariots of fire.

TAFC owned the last IDN show, and anyone who had a problem with it was a pussy.

Be on the lookout for a new band featuring myself and some members of IDN.

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Jun 16,2004 10:44pm
haha i love how im rocking out in like every photo.

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